Image Charts (Deprecated)

Venn Charts


This document describes how to create Venn diagrams using the Chart API.

Table of Contents

Chart-Specific Features

  1. Introduction
  2. Chart Types (cht)
  3. Series Colors (chco)

Standard Features

  1. Chart Title (chtt, chts)
  2. Chart Legend Text and Style (chdl, chdlp, chdls)
  3. Chart Margins (chma)
  4. Background Fills (chf)
    1. Solid Fills (chf)
    2. Gradient Fills (chf)
    3. Striped Fills (chf)


Venn diagrams are charts with overlapping circles that indicate how much different groups have in common. Charts supports Venn diagrams with two or three circles. You specify the relative sizes of the circles and the amount of overlap between them.

Chart Types (cht)

Specify a Venn diagram with the following syntax:



The data string is a set of up to seven elements, separated by the delimiter appropriate for your data format, as described here:

  • The first three values specify the sizes of three circles: A, B, and C. For a chart with only two circles, specify zero for the third value.
  • The fourth value specifies the size of the intersection of A and B.
  • The fifth value specifies the size of the intersection of A and C. For a chart with only two circles, do not specify a value here.
  • The sixth value specifies the size of the intersection of B and C. For a chart with only two circles, do not specify a value here.
  • The seventh value specifies the size of the common intersection of A, B, and C. For a chart with only two circles, do not specify a value here.

Note that with Venn diagrams, all values are proportionate, not absolute. This means that a chart with values 10,20,30 will look the same as a chart with values 100,200,300 (if your encoding type accepts those values).

Description Example

A three-circle Venn chart.

Venn diagram with three overlapping circles, one circle is blue the others are green

To specify a two-circle chart, specify zero for circle C, and do not specify any overlap values that include C. Venn diagram with three overlapping circles, one circle is blue the others are green

Series Colors chco

You can specify the colors of all series, each series, or some series using the chco parameter.


Color of the series, in RRGGBB hexadecimal format. Specify different colors for different series by adding color values separated by a comma. If you have fewer colors than you have series, the last color is repeated, but in Venn charts, identical colors can make the chart hard to read.
Description Example
A different color for each circle. Venn diagram with three overlapping circles, one circle is blue the others are green
If there are fewer colors than circles, the last color specified is repeated. However, this makes the chart hard to read.

Venn diagram with three overlapping circles, one circle is blue the others are green

Standard Features

The rest of the features on this page are standard chart features.

Chart Feature List

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