Image Charts (Deprecated)

Google-O-Meter Charts

   Google-o-meter with rainbow coloring

This document describes how to create a dial-type chart called a Google-o-meter chart.

Table of Contents

Chart-Specific Features

  1. Overview
  2. Series Colors (chco)
  3. Google-o-meter labels (chl)

Standard Features

  1. Chart Title (chtt, chts)
  2. Chart Legend Text and Style (chdl, chdlp, chdls)
  3. Chart Margins (chma)
  4. Axis Styles and Labels
    1. Visible Axes (chxt)
    2. Axis Range (chxr)
    3. Custom Axis Labels (chxl)
    4. Axis Label Positions (chxp)
    5. Axis Label Styles (chxs, chxtc)
  5. Line Styles (chls)
  6. Background Fills (chf)
    1. Solid Fills (chf)
    2. Gradient Fills (chf)
    3. Striped Fills (chf)


A Google-o-meter is a gauge that points toward a single value on a range. The range has a color gradation that you can optionally specify. You can also specify custom text above the pointer. The dial range is from the data format minimum value to the maximum value. Specify one data value in your chd parameter for the arrow to point to.

You can specify multiple arrows on the same chart, and style the arrow body and point size differently on each. If you want the same arrow style for all arrows, specify the data points as values in the same series. If you want to apply different styles to different arrows, group all arrows with the same style into the same series.

Specify a Google-O-Meter chart with the following syntax:





Description Example

This demonstrates using the chxl to specify custom labels both below and above the dial.

Single line on a chart with shading in blue from the bottom of the chart to the line

You can specify multiple arrows with multiple data points.

To apply a style to arrows, use the chls parameter. Each chls description applies to all arrows in the corresponding data series.

chls has an advanced syntax for Google-o-meters. Each set of values inside a set of pipes describes the corresponding data series. You can optionally add a set of pipe-delimited values that describe the arrowhead size in points, from 0—15, the default being 15.

Let's examine the chls value in this chart: chls=3|3,5,5|15|10

  • 3 - A single value specifies the line thickness. This applies to all arrows in the first series.
  • 3,5,5 - The second series has a thickness, dash length, and space length described.
  • 15 - Arrowhead size for arrows in the first series.
  • 10 - Arrowhead size for arrow in the second series.




Series Colors chco

You can optionally specify the colors of the dial using the chco parameter. If not specified, it uses a default gradient.


Specify two or more colors in RRGGBB hexadecimal format. Colors are applied in a gradient from left to right, with the first color on the left last color on the right.
Description Example
This chart shows a simple gradient, from white (FFFFFF) to black (000000) Google-o-meter with rainbow coloring
This chart shows multiple colors assigned to the dial. Google-o-meter with rainbow coloring

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Google-o-meter Labels chl

You can optionally specify a custom label to display above the arrow.

A Note on String Values: Only URL-safe characters are permitted in label strings. To be safe, you should URL-encode any strings containing characters not in the character set 0-9a-zA-Z. You can find a URL encoder here.


Text of the label.



Description Example
Here's an example of a Google-o-meter with a label.

Google-o-meter with default red to green coloring

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Standard Features

The rest of the features on this page are standard chart features.

Chart Feature List

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